Thursday 23 August 2012

26 August rehearsal schedule, "off book" schedule.

Sunday 26 August Rehearsal (Revised)

1-2pm Daughters chorus (upper voice sectional)

  • #14 Act I finale, pp. 88-106, 110-113 (work)
  • #15 "Oh, dry the glistening tear", pp. 114-118 (learn)
  • #17 "When the foeman bares his steel", pp. 124, 129-137 (brush up)
  • #28 Finale Act II, pp.194-5, 203-4 (start working on text now), 

2-4pm Full rehearsal - #14, #28, #11, #17

Pirates/Police chorus: please work on p. 200 in the finale of act ii.

Health abuse of the resources is encourage:

Study text and listen to the midi files, both of which are found below. Do your homework!!!!

#14 "Oh, men of dark and dismal fate" pp. 84-113 Ensemble (everybody)

#15 "Oh, dry the glistening tear: pp. 114-118 Girls and Mabel

#16 "Then, Frederic, let your escort lion-hearted" p. 119
#17 "When the foeman bares his steel" pp. 119-137 Sergeant, Mabel, Edith, Major-General, Police, and Girls

#27 "Hush, hush! not a word" pp. 187-188 Frederic, Pirates, Police, and Major-General
#28 "Sighing softly to the river" pp. 189-213

Next Week, we should be off book for the following numbers:
#1, #5, #11, #17, #28....LET"S WORK

Principals should be off book for soli, small ensemble when we return from Labor Day weekend, seriously!!!!

Tuesday 21 August 2012

Pentangle Players to present preview at Rotary Luncheon

On Wednesday, 22 August, members of the Pirates cast will present a preview of the show to the Rotary Luncheon to be held at the Woodstock Golf Club. Jennifer Page (Mabel), John Marshall (Frederic), & Jarvis Green (Pirate King) @ rLee Adams (director & accompanist) will give a short demonstration of highlights, history, and trivia from the show. The presentation will end with a sing-a-long of the well-known number, "I am the very model of a modern Major-General" to the audience of local business leaders and philanthropists.

Monday 20 August 2012

Midi files now available

I am happy to announce that we have midi files of the entire show to help us all prepare our individual parts for rehearsals. Visit the tabs to the right of this page under Practice Resources. You might also be able to copy the links and put them on a CD. Use this resource, it will be most helpful in your preparation for rehearsal, memorizing, or just singing Karaoke!!!!

Wrapping up casting

Dear Cast and Friends. We will be wrapping up the casting for the show this week. We are still accepting actors. Any interested persons should come to rehearsals this week and try it out. Open rehearsals are Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, from 6-8:30. Meet at the WDSTK Town Hall. I'll provide copies of the music for the selections we'll be working on. This is a very exciting project and a delightful show. You'll love it. Send me an email if you are planning to come and try us out. My email is:

Sincerely rlee and the cast

Please note that I have removed the company list from the drop down at the right side of the page. An updated Company list will be made available next week after casting is completed.

Rehearsal Schedule 20-26 August

THT = Town Hall Theatre
SJ = St. James Parish Hall
UU = Unitarian Chapel
Bold indicates full cast rehearsals

Tuesday 21 August
  • 6- 6:10 Full cast warm-up @THT
  • 6:10-6:40 Daughters choreo #5 @THT (@CR & Jen)
  • 6:10-6:40 Pirates/police/MG #17, #23-#28 @SJ (w/rl)
  • 6:45-7:40 Daughters #10, #15, #17 @SJ (w/CR & Jen)
  • 6:45-7:40 Pirates/police/MG choreo #1 @THT (w/rl/Claire)
  • 7:45-8:30 FULL #17, #14 @THT

Wednesday 22 August (REVISED)
Reminder---bring your bios to rehearsal
  • 5:15-5:50 Sergeant #17, #23, #24, #25, #28J @THT (w/rl)
  • 6- 6:10 Full cast warm-up @THT
  • 6:10-7:10 Daughters choreo #5 THT (w/CR/Claire)
  • 6:10-7:10 Pirates/police#5,  #23-28 @UU (w/rl)
  • 7:25-8:30 FULL #28, #17, #14 @THT (w/rl)
Thursday 23 August @THT
  • 4:45-5:28 King #3, p. 96-98, #22, pp. 198, 202, 
  • 5:30- 6:45 Ruth, Frederic, King #18, #19, #20 ("Trios"), dialogue pp. 18, 20-21, 26, #4, #2

Friday 24 August ---Bios due via email to by noon!!!!!

Sunday 26 August @ THT
  • See updated post above


Next week's rehearsals will be Monday 27 August through Wednesday 29 August 6-8:30, Full Cast

Friday 3 August 2012

Mark your calendars: Tech Week & Show Schedule

All Calls at Town Hall Theatre

Wednesday, 12 September - 6:30 Run Show (Cue-to-cue)
Thursday, 13 September - 6:30 Call (Tech rehearsal)
Sunday, 16 September - 1pm-5pm Sitzprobe or Sing-thru with orchestra
Monday, 17 September - 5:30 call
Tuesday, 18 September - 5pm-9pm, Dress
Wednesday, 19 September - 8am-noon, School Show #1(Not Public Performance)
Friday, 21 September "Opening Night"- 5:30pm - 9:30pm, Show #2
Saturday, 22 September "MatinĂ©e" - 12:30pm-3:30pm, Show #3
Saturday, 22 September - 5:30pm - 9:30pm, Show #4
Sunday, 23 September "Matinée" - 12:30-4:30, Show #5