Practice Resources: Lyric and Midi Files for entire show

#1 "Pour, oh pour, the pirate sherry" pp. 13-17 Pirates and Samuel

#2 "When Frederic was a little lad" pp. 18-20 Ruth

#3 "Oh, better far to live and die" pp. 22-25 Pirate King and Pirates

#4 "Oh, false one, you have deceived me!" pp. 26-33 Frederic and Ruth

#5 "Climbing over rocky mountain" pp. 34-42 Girls, Edith, and Kate

#6 "Stop, ladies, pray!" pp. 43-44 Frederic, Edith, Kate, and Girls &
#7 "Oh, is there not one maiden breast" pp. 45-50 Frederic, Mabel, and Girls

#8 "Poor wandering one!" pp. 51-58 Mabel and Girls

#9 "What ought we to do" pp. 57-58 Edith, Kate, and Girls
#10 "How beautifully blue the sky" pp. 59-66 Girls, Mabel, and Frederic

#11 "Stay, we must not lose our senses" pp. 67-71 Frederic, Girls, and Pirates

#12 "Hold, monsters!" pp. 72-73 Mabel, Samuel, Major-General, Girls, and Pirates

#13 "I am the very model of a modern Major-General" pp. 74-82 Major-General, Girls, and Pirates

#14 "Oh, men of dark and dismal fate" pp. 84-113 Ensemble (everybody)

#15 "Oh, dry the glistening tear: pp. 114-118 Girls and Mabel

#16 "Then, Frederic, let your escort lion-hearted" p. 119
#17 "When the foeman bares his steel" pp. 119-137 Sergeant, Mabel, Edith, Major-General, Police, and Girls

#18 "Now for the pirates' lair" pp. 138-140 Frederic, Pirate King, and Ruth
#19 "When you had left our pirate fold" pp. 141-148 Ruth, Frederic, and Pirate King

#20 "Away, away! my heart's on fire" pp. 150-156 Ruth, Frederic, and Pirate King

#21 "All is prepared" pp. 157-158 Mabel and Frederic
#22 "Stay, Frederic, stay!" pp.159-167 Mabel and Frederic

#23 "No, I am brave!" pp. 168-172 Mabel, Sergeant, and Police

#24 "When a felon's not engaged in his employment" pp. 173-179

#25 "A rollicking band of pirates we" pp. 177-179 Pirates, Sergeant, and Police
#26 "With cat-like tread, upon our prey we steal" pp. 180-186

#27 "Hush, hush! not a word" pp. 187-188 Frederic, Pirates, Police, and Major-General
#28 "Sighing softly to the river" pp. 189-213

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